I want to deeply thank all words of support, recognition, consideration or gratitude toward my art, trajectory and my Insiitutíon.
The Jane- Voortiees- Zimmerli Art Mtiseum. (New Bninswick) (New Jersey)
You have our appreciation and consideraron in all your future plans. Jeffrey Wechsler
Art Museum of Southeast Texas. (Beaumont) (Texas)
It is an honor for us to have your work in our collection. We are very satisfied and pround to be able to exhibit an artist likeyourself. Executive Director: Jeffrey J. York
The Armony Center forthe Arts (Pasadena) (California)
Picase receive my most sincere appreciation for allowing me to get to know your work and institutioa I want to wish you luck. JayBelloli.
Palmer Museum of Art (Unlversity Park) (Pennsylvaiila)
I want to thank you for your information and for showing us your work. Your paintings are marvalous. Glenn Willumson.
National Gallery of Canadá (Ottawa) (Canadá)
Picase allow me to wish you the best on your work and trajectory. Director. ShirleyL, Thompson
Neuberger Museum of Art. (Purchase) (New York)
We have seen your work and wish you all the best on your art. Director. Judy Collischan
Newport Art Museum (Newport) (Rhode Island)
I sincerely want to praise your art, your ambition and the help that you offer the needy and illness. Judith Sobol.
(Neue new Galerle Graz) Neue Galerle »m landesmuseum Juanneum. (Gnu) (Austria)
I wish you good luck with your work and with your social relations. Director. Wemer Fenz Leiter.
Museo Nacional de Arte (México clty) (México)
I know a lot of museums that would he honored to posses yoír paintings. Directora, Graciela de Reyes Renana
GAN (Caracas/Venezuela)
I our project is sincere and honorable. Ms, Vaamonde (Presidenta)
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal) (Canadá)
Che museum appreciates knowing your projects. Know that our committee will analize your work for which we will be n contad, ühief Curator: Mayo Graham
Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Knowing your work has made us really happy. The museum appreciates this personal contact with us. íxhibition Producer: Claudia Barata
Bass Museum of Art (Miami Beach) (Florida)
The museurn is very interested in your art, and would appreciat e to be informed of all your work. üurator: Ruth Grim
Kimbell Museum of Art (Fort Worth) (Texas)
Four work, project and philosophy are worthy of comment and we applaud you and wish you a brilliant future. )r. Edmund P. Pillsbury
Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences (Peoría) (Illinois)
We have received your information and wish you the best of luck in all your exhíbitíons. Kristan H. McKinsey
The Springfleld Museum of Fine Arts (Springfield) (Massachusetts)
Your work deserves our consideration and will be filed so we can have refference in the future of your work and your trajectory. HeatherHaskell
The Boston Museum (Boston) (Massachusetts)
The museum thanks you for your information on your trajectory and work. Having you in mind and wishing you the best of luck in your careen Sue-Ellen Johnson
Heckscher Museum of Art* (Huntlngton) (New York)
The rnuseum appreciates the interest and wants to wish you sucess in your work. Anne Cohén de Pietro
Museum Für Kunst und Kulturgeschlchte (Lübelk) (Gei-many)
Mr. Torregrosa our appreciation for your information and generosity. We want to wish you all the best in your artistic career. Dr: Gerhard Gerkens
Palm Springs Desert Museum (Palm Springs) (California)
Your paintings are very good and the museum appreciates the opportunity of seeing and reviewing beautiful work. Director; Katherine Plake Hough
The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque) (New México)
It is very good and satisfying that your paintings can help people who suffer Hincases Thomas J. Sloan (EJL: edi)
The Instituto of Contmporary Art (ICA) (Boston) (Massachusetts)
We would like to wish you good luck on your Institution and in your effort of helping with your art. Christíne M. McCarthy
The Marión Koogler McNay Art Museum. (San Antonio) (Texas)
We appreciate all of your work. It is important to us to see new material and are really happy and assure you that we will have you in mind for the future. Linda Hardberger.
Indianapolis Museum of Art (Indianapolis) (Indiana)
Your work is really appreciated as well your generosity we are very thankful. BretWaller
Lauren Rogers Museum of Art (Laurel) (Mississippi)
To have known your work as well as your Institution filis us with satisfaction and we are really thankful that we can possess refferéis from you in the future. We wish you the best this year and in the future. lommie Rodgers
Metropolitan Museum of Art (NewYork-NY)
We appreciate receiving your information regarding your art and Institution in our departament of Twentieth Century írt. We appreciate and consider your work. Fhe Cutorial Staff-End: Bulletin
Terra Museum of America Art (Chicago) (Illinois)
We thank you for sharing your work of art with us. We are pleased to file all information that may be helpful to us in he future. Shelly Román
Smlthsonian Institution (Washington DC)
Ve have seen your art and thank you for your interest in the Smitiisonian Institution. SmithT. Demetrian
J-Paul Getty Museum (Malibu) (California)
We thank you for your generosity of contacting with us and for your information. lennifer Helvey
National Gallery ofArt (Washington DC)
We are reallyproudto ofknown your paintings and congradulate you. María Pratner
CarrickHül Museum (Springfleid) (Australia)
Picase let me wish you all the best in the future. Elisabeth Rogers
Art Museum (Tampa) (Florida)
We appreciate receiving your work. It is worthy and appropriate to be in a lot of museum. Best, wishes in the futiré. Max Valentonis.
Cooper-Hewltt Museum (New York-NY)
The museum apprecíates knowing your work and wishes you the best. Dianne H. Pilgrim.
Muse e D’ art Contemporaln de Montréal (Montreal) (Canadá)
Appreciate knowing your work and thank you for considering our museum. We will be in contad. Dir: Marcel Brisebois
The New Zealand Academl of Fine Arts (Welllngton) (New Zea! and)
We are very satisfied with your work, and thank you for having us in mind. We wish you al! the best tfahleen Markham
DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park (Lincoln) (Massachusetts)
Though our museum has only Artists form the United State and New England. We appreciate your work and the :ontact you have with us. Rachel Rosenfield Lafo
Amon Cárter Museum (Fort. Worth) (Texns)
«Ve thank you for contacting us and for your interest in our museum as well as Showing us your work. rane J. Posey
Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago) (Ulinoln)
Your art experts are reviewing your work and we thank you for your generosity of showing it to us. LAicindaBames.
Contemporary Art Museum (Houston) (Texas)
We thank you for sending us your information. Unfortunately our Institution does not collect permanentart, we would jf love to have one of your paintings. We wish you the best of luck. Vfarti Mayo.
Museo dell” Opera Della Metropolitana di Sierra (Italy)
We appreciate the attention that you have had toarse tha museum. We want to thank you and your Institution. Petro Ella
Det Nationalhlstoriske Museum pa Frederiksborg (Hillerod-Dlnamarca) (Danmark)
Though the work of the Fred Museum consists of historical paintings, we thank you for contacting us and showing us rour paintings. Din Mette Bligaard
Dalais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles (Belgique)
ffe appreciate you contacting us and showing us your paintings. We do not have a permanent collection, but we wish rou a marvalous artistic careen Director: Piet Coessens
Danske Kunstindustrimuseum (Kobenhavn) (Danmark)
We thank you for letting yoír self and your paintings known to us. Thank you for thinking of our museum. Director: Bodil Busk Laursen
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Palals Longchamp) (Mnrsellle) (Franee)
We appreciate you contacting our museum, although we do not posses contemporary art let us wish you the best in your career.
Musée des Beaux-Arts (Palals Longchamp) (Mnrsellle) (Franee)
We appreciate you contacting our museum, although we do not posses contemporary art let us wish Consevateur du Musée des Beaux-Arts: Marie-Paule Vial
Jeu de Paume (Galerie Natlonalo) (París) (France)
We appreciate you showing us your work and want to wish you the best in – your careefv Assistante: Anne Levesque
Soprlntendenza Al Museo Delle Antlchita Egtzle (Torlno) (Italy)
We appreciate your work and your Institution. We thank you for your infomnation, Dir: Anria María Donadoni Roveri
Gemaldegalerle der Akademíe der bildenden Kuiurte (Wlen)
We thank you for communicating with us. Resides your artistic career we appreciate the good action that you are doing by helping foundations. HSDOZ Dr. Renate Tmek
Rautenstrauch – Joest Museum Ftir Volkerkunde (Koln) (Germany)
Your information has been well received. Wishing you the best in your artistic career and in your future. Dr: Gisela Vólger
Waino Aaltosen Museum of Art (Turku) (Finland)
Please keep us updated with any new information. lam really interested in your Institution and will be in contact. Dir: Paivi Kiiski
La Biennale DI Venezia (Archivio Storico delle Artl Contemporáneo) (Italy)
We have received your information and would appreciated if you continué sending us any further information -egarding your future activities and futiré work. It is very important to us. Dir: Gabriella Cecchini
National Museum of Ireland (Dublln) (Ireland)
Our museum appreciates your communicating with us. It’ s a shame that the museum does not have enough room to jbtain more paintings. Dir: Susan O’ Regan
Benaki Museum ( Athens)
Thank you for you generosity. We do not collect contemporary art. We appreciate the contact you have with our nuseum. Dir: Faní María Tsigakou
The State Museum oí the Hlstory ot St. Petersburg (Russla).
Thank you for contacting us, it was very iriteresting for us to learn about your creative art. We appreciate that you like o help those that suffer with Aids and Cáncer. We also consider this activity important for our society. Please keep ue nformed. Dir: Natalia Dementieva.
The Museum of Fine Arts, Glfu (Glfu) (Japan)
Thank you for all your information regarding your activities. We respect your base of helping people who are sufering if illneses. Ve appreciate you contacting us and wish you the best in yopur artistic career. I’urator: Kiyoshi Okada.
Comune di Firenxe (Musel e Patrimonio Artístico) (Flrenze) (Italy)
Thas been a pleasure to communicate with you. I hope to keep in contact and thank you for your information. )ir: Laura Lucchesi
Musée Gustave Moreau (París) (Franee)
Tank you for letting us know your art. Please be informed that our museum has exclusiver work of painters from The fear 1826 and 1898. AJÍ your work has been well received. I wish you the best. Dir: Genevieve Lacambre
Gallería Nazlonale dell’ Umbría. Museo Penigla (Itnly)
We want to thank you for contacting us and showing ns your work. Our museurn consísts of Antique art. Good Luck. Dir: Constantino Centroni
Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’ Archeologle (Vllle de Besancon) (France)
Ve appreciate all your iriformation and congratúlate you conservateur du Patrimoine: Francoise Soulier
Palals des Beaux-Arts (Lllle) (France)
Víy most. distinguish expression for your art and appreciate the the contact. you have had with us. Honservateur general du patrimoine: Amauld Brejon de Lavergnée
Moderna Museet (Stockholm) (Sweden)
I want to thank you for your information and the contact you have with us. Durator: Nina Óhman
Musée d’Orsay (París) (France)
Our museum has only artists from the year 1820 and 1870. We appreciate your information. Dir: Henri Loyrette
Mairine de París (parís) (France)
We wish you and your artistic career the best. Conservateur General: Gilíes Béguin
Museu Nacional de Soares Dos Reís (Porto)
We do not collect modern art, but we appreciate the reference that you have had with us. We want to wish you and your wonderful work the best. Dir: Monica Baldaque
Centre Georges Pompidou (París) (France)
The Louvre Museum has let us know of your work and generosity of contacting with us. Our Committee appreciates all your interest that you have had with us and we want to express our best wishes for your career. Dir: Wemer Spies.
Musée D’art Julf de París (París ) (France)
We have received your information and picase continué writing to us, We wish you the best. Conservateur: Sophie Rosenberg
Dlrectlon Genérale des Antiquites et des Musées (Republlque Árabe Syrlenne) (SyYle)
We have received all your information and are Ihankful. Could you please be so kind to send more information regarding your work. Prof. Dir: Sultán Muhesen
Instituto of Contemporary Art (Unlverslty orPennsylvanla) (Phlladelphia)
It has been a pleasure seeing your work. We are sorry that our museum does not collect modem art Dir: patrickT. Murphy
Musée des Beaux-Arts de L’ Ontario (Ontario) (Canadá)
Thank you for all your information. We have looked at your work with consideration and want to wieh you the best. Chief Curator: Matthew Teitelbaum
Perth Cultural Centre. Western Australia (Perth) (Australia)
We appreciate you sending us your information and thank you for contacting us. I wish you the best. Dir: Gary Dufour
Museum Für VSlkerkunde Hamburg (Hamburg) (Germsny)
We thank you for all your information regarding your work. We could like to help you and know that we wish you the best in all your projects. Prof. Dr. WulfKopke
Zeeuws Museum. (Mlddelburg) (The Netherlands)
Our museum only collects art from zeeland artists. It has been a pleasure to have known your work. Best wishes. Dir: I.V.T. Spaander
Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection (Zürtch) (Swltterland)
Ve want to thank you for your interest in our Foundation showing us your work. iblic Affairs; ErikaLindt
Art Museum, Indiana Unlverslty (Bloomington) (Indiana)
Ne appreciate your contacting us and informing this museum. We are sure that a lot of museums would love to have >ne of your paintings, For which we ask you to contact and give information so they could know you. We want to wish ?ou the best.
Berlinlsche Galerle, Museum Für Moderne Kunst (Berlín) (Germany)
Thank you for contacting us to know us your art. Although this museum only deals with photographs, it’s been a íleasure knowing your work. We wish you the best for your career. Dr: Úrsula Prinz
Musée Royauxdes Beaux-Arts de Belgique (Bruxelles) (Belglque)
It has been a pleasure receiving your information. You can contact us when ever you like. We wish you success. Head Curator: Eliane De Wilde
Haags Gemeentemuseum (Gravenhage) (Nederland)
We have received your information and our museum is very limited in your possibilities. But permit ,e wish you the best in your efforts, work and your career. Board of Directors: O. Mensink
Brlghton Museum. The Royal Pavllion, Librarles & Museums (Brighton) (England)
We appreciate your generosity of sending us your information. Principal Keeper: John Roles
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam. (Schiedam) (The Netherlands)
Our museum is only designated for hulandes art, but we appreciate your information and wish you good luck. Sénior Curator; loado van Halem
Ulster Museum (Belfast) (N. I reí and)
Our museum collects only paintings from Ireland. I would like to wish you the best of luck in your artistic career. Dir: S.B. Kennedy
Kunsthaus Zürich (ZOrich) (SwlUerland)
Sorry we are unable to obtain one of your paintings in our museum. We only have paintinga of deseased painters.We thank you for aü your information. Chief Curator Dr. Christian Klemm
Ashmolean Museum. The University of Oxford (Oxford) (Great Brltaln)
It’s very generous of you to write to us and give us your information. Know that with the warmest thanks we would love to keep in touch with you. Keeper of Westem Art: Timothy Wilson
The National Gallery (London) (Great Brltain)
We want to thank you for your generosity communicating with us and giving us your information. It’s been a great opportunity to know your art, Besides thanking you, we want to wish you all the best for the future. Dir: Neil MacGregor.
Internatlonales Design Zent.rum Berlín (Berlín) (Germaiiy)
Thank you for all your information. We are like mediators between the industry and the culture, We plan exhibitions in which we will be in contact. We wish you the best. Secretary: Jutta Ochsner
The Wallace Collection (London) (Great Britaln)
Wallace Collection appreciates all your information. Know that our collection is from the year 1897 per the request of the creator Dama Wallace. We appreciate your art. Head Curator: Peter Hughes
Tate Gallery Liverpool (Liverpool) (Great Brltaln)
Museum wants lo tnank you íor your generosity of informing us and showing us your art. Thank you and good luck in your future. Manager: Jemima Pyne
Museum of Contemporary Art S»n Diego (San Diego) (California)
I want to thank you for the interest that you have in oír museum by mailing us your Information and showing us your paintings. Sénior Curator: Elizabeth N. Armstrong
Musée D’art Contemporain de Montreal (Quebec) (Canadá)
We appreciate all your information. Our museum committee is cotisulting on your work You have all our consideration. Curator of the Permanent Collection: Josée Belisle
Musemn Plantin- Moretus en Stedelijk Prentenkabinet (Antwerpen) (Belglum)
We thank you for your information. We only collect objects in papen Your work is different, but we wish you the best.Dr. Francine de Nave
Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam) (Nederland)
Our museum does not collect modem art, but it has been a satisfacción that you thought of us. Chief Curator; Louis van Tilborgh
Victoria and Albert Museum (London) (England)
We thank you for consiclering our rnuseum and we will have your work in mind and consideration. Head of Paintings: Sharon Fermor
Centro de Arte Moderna d» Fondaçao C. Gulbenkian (Lisboa) (Portugal)
We have reviewed your work and know that we only collect portugués paintings. We would like to thank you for the generosity that you have toars our museum. Dir: Jorge Molder
Vltra Design Museum (Weil am Rheln) (Germany)
We appreciate you sending us your art. Know that you will be in our thoughts. Best wishes. PP: Sixta Quabdorf
Museo d’art. et d’historie ville de geneve (Geneve) (Switzerland)
We want to thank you for your information and for showing us your paintings. For your information we only have Switzerland artists. We want to wish you success in your artistic career Conservateur; Claude Ritschard
Harvard University Art Musouim (Cambridge) (Massachusetfs) (U.S.A.)
We want to thank you for all the information that you have sont us We want you to know that we admire your work. Dir: R. Luno
Musée Barbier- Mueller (Geneve) (Swlt/erland)
Thank you for your information and for showing us your paintings. It is a satisfaction to know the interest that you lave had with us. Dir: Claude Chanel
WilhelmLehmbruck Museum (Duisburg) (Germany)
Your collection concéntrales only on intemational sculptures, We appreciate you contacting us, Renate Heidt Heller
Nationalmuseet (Kobenhavn) (Denmark)
Infortunally our museum does not collect modem art, We appreciate your generosity of showing us your art. Good uck in the future with your work. }ir: Jette Sandahl
Nasjonalgalleriet (Oslo) (Norway)
Ve have liked your paintings and we are thankful for the information we received.
tíallarat Fine Art Gallery (Ballarat-Victoria) (Australia)
Ballarat Fine Art only collects Australian art, bul I want you to know that ít is generous of you to have send us your information and we wish you the best. Dir: Margaret Rich
Musée Jacquemart-André (París) (Trance)
I have gladly received your information. It is very generous of yon to send your art. Congradulations and good luck in your careen Conservateur: Nicolás Sainte Fare Garnot
Rijks Museum (Amsterdam) (Nederland)
Thank you for letting us know about your art. For your information our museum does not collect contemporary art. I wish you the best in your career. Director of Collections: J.P. FiledtKok
Albertina Museum (Wien) (Autriche)
Receive our appreciatíon for all your information. We would like to have the opportunity to see your work in Spain. We wish you success ín all your work and act ivities. Prof. Dr. Konrad Oberhuber (Director)
MSnchehans Museum Fílr Moderne Kunst (Goslar) (Germany)
We have liked your paintings and know that we have pul your information in our files of artista. We appreciate your work and the help you give people who have Aids and other severe diseases. Dir: Th. K. Peter Schenriíng
Musée national des Chateaux de Malmslson & Bols Présu (Malmalson) (Franco)
We appreciate receiving all your information. Your paintings and Instítution are very intresting. Our museum is only interested in art from the XIX eentury of Napoleón. Conservateur: Christine Lances Tremeré
Canadlan Museum of Civlllzation (Quebec) (Canadá)
Thank you for your generosity in communicating with us. Although our museum does not collect art. It been great seeing yours. The rnuseum wishes you luck in all the efforts you are doing in your career. Director General: Stephen Inglis
Garre D’art Musée (Nimes) (Franee)
We appreciate all your information and wish you the best of luck in your career. Dir: GuyTosatto
The Jewlsh Museum (New York) (U.S.A.)
I am writing in behalf of the Committee of the Jewish Museum. We thank you for the amability you have had by showing us your work. Know that it is been a good opportunity to study your work and we thank you again. Curator of Fine Arts: Susan Chevlowe
Brandywine Rlver Museum (Chadds Ford- Pennsylvania) (U.S.A.)
We are truly greateful for all the information you have sent us. We are a museum that collects work from artista that lived and worked in Brandywine Village. We appreciate you thinking of our museum and showing us your paintings. We wish you success. Curator of Collections: Ms. Gene E. Harris
The Brltlsh Museum (London) (Fngland)
You have been so generous by sending us your information. Know that we are interested in your work.We will be in contact and thank you for considering our museum. Curator: Francés Carey
Museum Mayer Van Den Bergh (Antwerpen) (Belgium)
Thank you for showing us your work. We are a museum that collects work from Mayer Van Den. Dir: H. Nieuwdorp
Delaware Art Museum (Wilmington DE) (U.S.A)
We appreciate the interest you have had in our museum. We have seen your work and wish you best of luck. Thief Curator: Nancv MHW “Rattv
Pre-National Museurn of American Art (Washington, D.C.) (U.S.A.)
Thank you for the ínterest in our museum. It. is a satisfaction for me when I see artists that were unknovm to me and discover in your case that you posses paintings with such an imagination and tecnic. dhief Curator: Jacquelyn Days Serwer.
Van AbbeMuseum (Elndhoven) (The Netherlands)
Appreciate you contacting the museum. It’s been an honor knowingyour work. Best wishes in your artistic career. Curator: ChristianeBemdes
Les Granges de Port-Royal (Magny-Les. Hameaux) (France)
I want to thank you for sending me your Information and showing me your creation. Over all the great spirit you nave as an artist. Directeur du Musée: Véronique Alemany Dessaint
Württembergisches Landesmuseum (Stuttgart) (Gormany)
We are thankful for the information you have set us. Unfortunately our museum not collect modern art. I want to thank you for showing us your work. Wish you the best, Direktor: Volker Himmelein
Rsmisch- Germanisches Museum (Koln) (Germany)
We thank you for your information and for showing us your work, Although oír museum deals with only monuments we appreciate you contacting us.
Royal Academy Arts of (Piccadolly-London) (England)
Thank you for your information, we are very grateful, then in spite of the fact that our collection is only Británicas artists, we have had much pleasure of knowing your art. Research Assistant: A.W. Potter
Stedelljk Museum Of Lakenhal Leiden (Leiden) (The .Netherlands)
We are very grateful for yoír information so much of your paintings as your exhibitions. We wish you much luck in carrying out all your goals. Director: Mrs. H. Bolten-Rempt
Kimstmuseum Luzern (Luzern) (Switzerland)
We thank to you for all your information showing us your work, which we wish the best in your projects, having all our consideration. Director: Dr. UltrichLook
Stedelljk Museum (Amsterdam) (Tlie Netherlands)
Ihis museum has a very different orientation to your work, but you know that we appreciated your administration, your information and your art. Director: Rudi H. Fuchs
The Dayton Art Instituto (Dayton) (Ohio) (USA)
Thank you for writing us and giving us to know your art, we want to take this opportunity in order to thanks your kindness of informing us and you know truthfully that we wish you much luck in your work and trajectory. Assistant Managing Collections for and programs: Marianne Lorenz
LNBA. (National Instituía of fine arts and Museum of the Palace of fine arte) (México City) (México)
Our permanent collection only consists in mural ismo, but we are very grateful by informing to this museum, so your kindness and your work is very appreciated Managing Deputy: Alejandra Rock
Waikato Museum (Hamilton City) (New Zealand)
We are very impressed for your enthusiasm and the good desire of sharing your talent with everybody of the art, I assure you that there are many people and Institutions that would be enchanted to have the opportunity of showing your Very grateful we wish you the greater luck for the future. Administration Officer: R W. Nikora